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国立台湾大学 National Taiwan University (NTU)

台湾大学(National Taiwan University),简称台大(NTU),成立于1928年,是坐落于中国台湾省台北市的一所研究型公立综合性大学,素有“台湾第一学府”之称。


2016年英国QS大学排名中位居全球第68位,亚洲高校第21位,台湾地区第1位,是一所在国际上享有较高学术声誉的大学。 2018年6月6日,QS全球教育集团在伦敦发布了第十五期QS世界大学排名,国立台湾大学排名第72名,上升4名。

【2019】Exploiting SIMD asymmetry in Arm-to-X86 dynamic binary translation

- Guest 的向量寄存器长度小于 Host 的向量寄存器长度,但 Guest 的向量寄存器数量更多,而 Host 的数量更少
- 提出了 saSLP 算法,一方面将 Guest 的短向量合并成 Host 的长向量,另一方面将 Guest 不能向量化的地方进行 Host 的向量化
- (1)对于 Guest 中存在的 “向量化+循环展开” 的模式,可以合成更长的 Host 向量指令进行优化
- (2)进行 Combining Reduction 优化(循环中的累加模式)
- (3)针对(2)中常见的 “indirect load” 的情况,利用 x86 的 gather 指令进行向量化

migrating existing applications to another host ISA that has fewer but longer SIMD registers and more advanced instructions raises the issues of asymmetric SIMD capability.

The growing importance of SIMD has reinforced the need to translate SIMD binaries efficiently.

map a guest SIMD register directly to a host register with the same width, and map a guest SIMD instruction to equivalent host instructions that operate on the same number of elements.

use loop vectorization to exploit more parallelism but still map one guest SIMD register to one host SIMD register

existing works fail to address the challenges raised by asymmetric SIMD capability, in which the host may have fewer but longer SIMD registers than the guest.

Given a guest binary loop that has been optimized according to the width and number of guest SIMD registers, saSLP combines multiple guest SIMD instructions and registers to form a longer one on the host.

In addition, saSLP exploits the host’s advanced SIMD instructions to vectorize loops that cannot be vectorized on the guest.

As a result, the parallelism that can operate on eight floating-point numbers on the AVX2 host is underutilized.

Furthermore, since the AVX2 host in this case has only three registers, the five overlapping live ranges in Figure 2(c) will cause register spilling

Combining Indirect Loads to Form Gather Loads

To vectorize data-irregular loops that cannot be vectorized on the guest owing to the indirect array loads, saSLP combines the indirect loads and exploits the host’s SIMD gather instructions.

This is a significant issue because the innermost loops in many important applications, such as……, contain “indirectly load and then accumulate” pattern and are read-only.

We implemented saSLP in HQEMU (Hong et al. 2012), a retargetable cross-ISA DBT based on the LLVM 6.0 JIT compiler.

We evaluated saSLP with translations from a guest ISA, ARMv8 NEON with 32 16B SIMD registers, to two host ISAs, x86 AVX2 and AVX512.

【2019】Exploiting Vector Processing in Dynamic Binary Translation

- 对于标量循环分析,提出了 Virtual Register Promition 方法,处理后可以便于分析其进行分析。
- 但是会带来 Memroy Aliasing 的问题,因此需要进行 Runtime Checking,本文提出了一个高效的 check 方式。
- 这个 Runtime Checking 的优化简单的说就是将多个不同的 Stack 的访存地址范围扩大成连续的一段,来加快地址范围的对比。

Auto vectorization techniques have been adopted by compilers to exploit data-level parallelism in parallel processing for decades.

However, since processor architectures have kept enhancing with new features to improve vector/SIMD performance, legacy application binaries failed to fully exploit new vector/SIMD capabilities in modern architectures.

In this paper, we study the fundamental issues involved in crossISA Dynamic Binary Translation (DBT) to convert non-vectorized loops to vector/SIMD forms to achieve greater computation throughput available in newer processor architectures.

The key idea is to recover critical loop information from those application binaries in order to carry out vectorization at runtime.

Scalar Evolution Analysis has been adopted in modern compilers (e.g., GCC, LLVM)

Such analysis approach is commonly used in

Scalar variables in binaries may not always be in the form of scalars, but in the form of memory references because of register spilling.

[0] [6] [7] would be viewed as loop invariant with memory references to stack instead of an induction variable

Hence, we adopt virtual register promotion, which promotes spilled variables to virtual registers, to simplify loop analysis and enable vectorizations.

However, promoting the spilled variables to virtual registers has potential aliasing issues

Spilled variables [0] [6] [7] may alias to memory reference instructions ( [1] , [2] ,and [8] ).

This paper provides detailed solutions to our safe virtual register promotion approach

There are two types of spilled variables. One is Program Counter (PC) relative data, and the other one is stack variable.

To solve the problems, DBTs should ensure no aliasing between spilled variables and other memory references. 需要确保没有内存别名问题!

runtime aliasing check is required to prove the validity of virtual register promotion before entering the loop with promoted spilled variables. 不得不进行运行时的检查



还有一个方式,就是在loop之前检查所有的memory aliasing,但是开销会很大。

A spilled variable may be viewed as a loop invariant stored on the stack.

DBTs are capable of detecting whether the value of stack pointer is modified in the loop.

In addition to the issue of spilled variables, vectorizing a binary loop still has other issues of memory aliasing.


DBTs should check the dependency at run time among memory references.

We implement our optimization approach in HQEMU, a cross-ISA DBT system based on the LLVM 6.0 JIT compiler, and evaluate the effectiveness with ARMv7 scalar to ARMv8 vector (NEON with 128-bit SIMD registers) translation with double precision computation.

We select several benchmark kernels, in which the time-consuming loops are vectorizable, from various benchmark suites across scientific computing and linear algebra, such as Livermore Loops (LL), PolyBench (POLY), Netlib BLAS (BLAS), SPEC2000, SPEC2006, and SPEC2017 (SPEC), to evaluate the vectorization capability and performance improvement in our DBT.

【2019】Enhancing transactional memory execution via dynamic binary translation

- 事务性内存有两种,HLE 和 RTM,前者兼容性好,后者性能高
- 将 HLE 翻译为 RTM 来提高性能,添加了两条 QEMU 的中间指令支持

TSX provides two software programming interfaces: Hardware Lock Elision (HLE) and Restricted Transactional Memory (RTM). HLE is easy to use and maintains backward compatibility with processors without TSX support, while RTM is more flexible and scalable.

Previous researches have shown that critical sections protected by RTM with a well-designed retry mechanism as its fallback code path can often achieve better performance than HLE.

好好设计的 RTM 要比 HLE 效率更好

More parallel programs may be programmed in HLE, however, using RTM may obtain greater performance.

To embrace both productivity and high performance of parallel programs with TSX, we present a framework built on QEMU that can dynamically transform HLE instructions in an application binary to fragments of RTM codes with adaptive tuning on the fly.

The xacquire prefix is the hint to start a transaction and elide the lock. The processor records the lock’s address and value in the elision buffer, pretending the lock is acquired and speculatively executing the critical section.

The xrelease prefix is the hint to end a transaction. If data conflicts exist among threads or the lock is not written with the original value recorded in the elision buffer, the transaction is aborted.

Execution restarts from the xacquire-prefixed instruction but ignores the hint this time

Restricted Transactional Memory (RTM) provides new instructions: xbegin, xend, and xabort, which are used to start, commit and abort a transaction, respectively.

Since we have used the retry mechanism to control the execution of RTM transactions, the goal is to determine the retry count that can achieve the optimal transactional commit rate.

Our transformation method is implemented in QEMU version 2.9.

We evaluate the effectiveness of our transformation using STAMP [23], a benchmark suite designed for evaluating TM system performance.

STAMP targets a variety of application domains such as machine learning, security, data mining, and scientific computing. It covers a wide range of transaction metrics, including lengths of transactional memory regions, memory usage in transactions, and contention between threads.

【2018】Improving SIMD Parallelism via Dynamic Binary Translation

- 将 loop 中的 Short-SIMD 翻译成 Long-SIMD 来提升性能。但是本文仅考虑连续访问的 short-SIMD 的优化。
- 由于 long-SIMD 的对齐要求,采用动态“掐头去尾”的访问,满足中部数据访问的对齐要求。

However, legacy or proprietary applications compiled with short-SIMD ISA cannot benefit from the long-SIMD architecture that supports improved parallelism and enhanced vector primitives, resulting in only a small fraction of potential peak performance.

We propose a general approach that translates loops consisting of short-SIMD instructions to machine-independent IR, conducts SIMD loop transformation/optimization at this IR level, and finally translates to long-SIMD instructions.

Two solutions are presented to enforce SIMD load/store alignment, one for the problem caused by the binary translator’s internal translation condition and one general approach using dynamic loop peeling optimization.

This article seeks to exploit full parallelism of longer host SIMD lanes to accelerate the execution of guest SIMD instructions.

We propose a DBT system that enables short-SIMD binaries to exploit long-SIMD architectures by rewriting short-SIMD binary code.

We aim to transform short-SIMD loops into equivalent long-SIMD loops optimized with long-SIMD instructions.

This work focuses on rewriting loops that consist of short-SIMD instructions

This article extends our previous work (Hong et al. 2016), which focuses on the method of SIMD loop transformation.

Ding-Yong Hong, Sheng-Yu Fu, Yu-Ping Liu, Jan-Jan Wu, and Wei-Chung Hsu. 2016. Exploiting longer SIMD lanes in dynamic binary translation. In IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 853–860.

The input of SIMD loop transformation is IR of a short-SIMD loop.

We first scan the IR to see if SIMD memory access patterns are contiguous. This work only considers contiguous memory accesses and we leave the optimization of non-contiguous memory accesses for future work.

After the IR is verified, the short-SIMD loop IR can be transformed to a long-SIMD loop, though it might not be executed due to violation of memory dependencies.

Vectorization entails changing the order of operations for the purpose of composing SIMD instructions. Vectorization is only legal if this change of order does not violate data dependencies. 不能违反原本的数据依赖关系

vectorizing memory operations can also change the data access order 向量化后的访存也会改变访问顺序

If the distance of a memory reference pair is not computable (…) , this reference pair is recorded and whether p and q have dependence will be checked at runtime. 不能直接判断的地址范围,记录下来进行运行时的判断

During SIMD loop transformation, the DBT checks dependence distances between memory references—the same distances that are also computed by the static compiler but discarded after the loop is vectorized. It is helpful if the compiler can annotate such calculated results when all dependence distances are compile-time computable.

When running on a longSIMD machine, these data are very likely to be placed at memory locations with original alignment constraints and may not satisfy the alignment constraints of long-SIMD ISAs.

按照 short-SIMD 的对齐要求存储的数据可能会违反 long-SIMD 的对齐要求

Such misalignment is caused by code duplication of the inner loop, and it can be overcome by preventing code duplication. The solution is to let a DBT stop binary decoding if it tries to decode an inner loop in the middle of a code fragment.

A general solution to enforce the alignment of long-SIMD loads/stores is to dynamically peel shortSIMD loops until memory references are aligned with long-SIMD alignment constraints.

We evaluate the performance of SIMD loop transformation from one guest ISA, ARM32 NEON, to two long-SIMD host ISAs, x86-64 AVX2 and x86-64 AVX-512.

For comparison, the binary translation without SIMD loop transformation is used as the performance baseline, where ARM32 NEON instructions are translated to x86-64 AVX-128 instructions on the host machines.

【2018】WIP: Exploiting SIMD Capability in an ARMv7-to-ARMv8 Dynamic Binary Translator

【2018】Efficient and retargetable SIMD translation in a dynamic binary translator: Efficient and retargetable SIMD translation in a dynamic binary translator

- 基于 HQEMU 添加 vector-TCG-IR 进而翻译成 LLVM-IR 并最终翻译成 host 的 SIMD 指令
- 对于不支持的 guest SIMD 指令,调用 helper 进行模拟,但是通过 helper inline 减少了上下文保持/恢复的开销

We propose a newly designed SIMD translation framework for dynamic binary translation, which takes advantage of the host’s SIMD capabilities. The proposed framework has been built in HQEMU, an enhanced QEMU with a separate thread for applying LLVM optimizations.

we propose to enhance the DBT with a well-designed vector IR representing the semantics of guest SIMD instructions.

Register mapping and redundant state synchronization elimination

We implement the translation from guest binary to our vector IR in the IA32, ARM-v7, and ARM-v8 frontends. These 3 frontends have the same X86-AVX2 backend since our HQEMU is installed on X86-64 machines.

【2017】Exploiting Asymmetric SIMD Register Configurations in ARM-to-x86 Dynamic Binary Translation

【2017】Dynamic Translation of Structured Loads/Stores and Register Mapping for Architectures with SIMD Extensions

- 面向特殊的 structured load/store 的 SIMD 指令,探索寄存器映射空间,使用 x86 的 gather 指令更好

Structured loads/stores, such as VLDn/VSTn in ARM NEON, are one type of strided SIMD data access instructions. They are widely used in signal processing, multimedia, mathematical and 2D matrix transposition applications.

  1. 设计了面向 structured SIMD 的 IR 表示

We define and implement a set of generalized pseudo instructions in our DBT IR, which facilitates the translation of SIMD structured loads/stores of arbitrary strides.

  1. 设计了两种寄存器映射方案

We design two register mapping algorithms: one to find the optimal mapping which achieves the best execution performance and one heuristics-based scheme which is much faster in compilation.

  1. 做了实验

Our translation strategy has been implemented on a QEMU+LLVM DBT. Our experimental results on a collection of benchmarks show that our system can achieve a maximum speedup of 5.41x, with an average improvement of 2.93x speedup.

  1. 得到启发

Our arbitrary-stride model for structured loads/stores and its evaluation provide insights and guidelines on how to translate them into different target SIMD instructions.

【2016】 Optimizing Control Transfer and Memory Virtualization in Full System Emulators

- 跳转优化主要包括两个:针对 cross-page branch 的优化 iTLB
- SoftTLB 优化主要包括两个:针对大页的部分刷新和动态调整容量

First, we optimize performance by enabling classic control transfer optimizations of dynamic binary translation in full system emulation, such as indirect branch target caching and block chaining.

Second, we improve the performance of memory virtualization of cross-ISA virtual machines by improving the efficiency of the software translation lookaside buffer (software TLB).

【2016】Exploiting Longer SIMD Lanes in Dynamic Binary Translation

This paper presents a dynamic binary translation technique that enables short-SIMD binaries to exploit the benefits of the new SIMD architecture by rewriting short-SIMD loop code.

【2016】 Using Embedded Shadow Page Table to Improve the Performance of QEMU 64-bit Architecture System Emulation

- 系统态 DBT 采用 ESPT 进行地址翻译加速,两种方式
- (1)当 Guest 只用部分的地址空间时,可以完全通过 ESPT 进行加速优化
- (2)当 Guest 地址空间很大时,通过 profile 分析用到的地址空间,只对其进行 ESPT 的映射

One possible solution to use ESPT in emulating a 64-bit guest on a 64-bit host is to embed part of the guest virtual address space into the host virtual address space, instead of the entire guest virtual address space.

Even though Linux now supports 48-bit virtual address space for both of the architectures, current ARM64 Linux (4.6.2) still uses 39-bit virtual address space as the default option.

The observation suggests our general case ESPT system to embed those guest virtual address space parts that are actually accessed by guest into host virtual address space.

【2015】SIMD Code Translation in an Enhanced HQEMU

One weakness of HQEMU lies in the lack of efficient SIMD instruction translation.

【2015】A dynamic binary translation system in a client/server environment

- 针对 thin device 的 C/S 架构 DBT 系统
- Server 上进行激进的翻译、优化(使用 LLVM 进行),Client 上进行简单的 DBT 操作(使用 QEMU 的 TCG)

In this work, we looked at those design issues and developed a distributed DBT system based on a client/server model.

It consists of two dynamic binary translators.

  1. 设计了 C/S 架构的分布式 DBT

We developed an efficient client/server-based DBT system whose two-translator design can tolerate network disruption and outage for translation/optimization services on a server.

  1. 异步通信机制是可以接受的

We showed that the asynchronous communication scheme can successfully mitigate the translation and optimization overhead and network latency.

  1. SPEC 2006 提升 17%

Experimental results show that the DBT of the client/server model can achieve 37% and 17% improvement over that of non-client/server model for x86/32-to-ARM emulation using MiBench and SPEC CINT2006 benchmarks with test inputs

In this work, we use the NETPlus [11] algorithm to detect the hot code regions and overcome such problems.

[11] D.M. Davis, K. Hazelwood, Improving region selection through loop completion, in: ASPLOS Workshop on Runtime Environments/Systems, Layering, and Virtualized Environments, 2011.

After the optimized code is emitted, the un-optimized code is patched and the execution is redirected from the un-optimized codes to the optimized codes. This jump patching is processed asynchronously by the optimization manager.

All performance evaluation is conducted using an Intel quad-core machine as the server, and an ARM PandaBoard embedded platform [13] as the thin client.

The evaluation is conducted with the x86/32-to-ARM emulation.

We use TCG of QEMU version 0.13 as the thin translator on the client side and use the JIT runtime system of LLVM version 2.8 as the aggressive translator/optimizer on the server side.

【2014】Efficient and Retargetable Dynamic Binary Translation on Multicores

- 设计了多线程的 HQEMU,优化线程 Guest -> TCG IR -> LLVM IR -> Host
- 修改的 NET 算法进行 trace 生成,利用硬件性能监控 HPM 设计了一个 trace merge 的方法
- 针对间接跳转,进行 trace 内部的 inline 检查,失败则 exit 到 IBTC
- 针对原子指令,使用 CAS 替代 QEMU 原本的全局锁的方案

we demonstrated in a multithreaded DBT prototype, called Hybrid-QEMU (HQEMU)

  1. 设计了这个多线程的 DBT 系统

We developed a multithreaded retargetable DBT on muticores that achieved low translation overhead and good translated code quality on the guest binary applications. We show that this approach can be beneficial to both short- and long-running applications.

  1. 设计了一个新的 trace 算法,利用 on-chip HPM 进行 profile

We propose a novel trace combining technique to improve existing trace formation algorithms. It could effectively combine/merge traces based on the information provided by the on-chip HPM. We demonstrate that such feedback-directed trace merging optimization can significantly improve the overall code performance.

  1. 使用了两个优化:IBTC 和轻量级的访存翻译

We use two optimization schemes, indirect branch translation caching (IBTC) and lightweight memory transactions, to reduce the contention on shared resources when emulating a large number of application threads. We show that these optimizations significantly reduce the emulation overhead of a DBT and make it more scalable.

  1. 开发了 HQEMU 这个原型系统

We built a HQEMU prototype, and the experimental results show it could improve the performance by a factor of 2:6 and 4:1 over QEMU for x86 to x86-64 emulation using SPEC CPU2006 integer and floating point benchmarks, respectively.

A relaxed version of Next Executing Tail (NET) [5] is chosen as our trace selection algorithm.

In the original NET scheme, it considers every backward branch as an indicator of a cyclic execution path, and terminates the trace formation at such backward branches.

We relax such a backward-branch constraint, and stop trace formation only when the same program counter (PC) is executed again

和 NET 算法一样仅在 backward branch 处进行 profile,不同的地方在于形成 trace 的时候

[5] E. Duesterwald and V. Bala, Software Profiling for Hot Path Prediction: Less Is More, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, vol. 35, pp. 202211, 2000.

1) Wang et al. [10] proved that this approach could still have correctness issues that may cause deadlocks; 2) accesses to nonaliased memory locations (e.g., two independent mutex variables in the guest source file) by different threads are serialized because of the same global lock; and 3) the performance is poor due to the high cost of the locking mechanism.

To solve the problems incurred by the global lock, we use lightweight memory transactions proposed in [10] to address the correctness issues, as well as to achieve efficient atomic instruction emulation.

【2012】HQEMU: a multi-threaded and retargetable dynamic binary translator on multicores

【2011】LnQ: Building High Performance Dynamic Binary Translators with Existing Compiler Backends

- 设计了 retargetable 的 LnQ 即 LLVM + QEMU,替换了 TCG 直接使用 LLVM 进行翻译
- 针对寄存器映射,每个 block 都有独立的 register mapping,需要进行 load 和 store
- 经典优化:Block Link,IBTC,Shadow Stack

This paper presents an LLVM+QEMU (LnQ) framework for building high performance and retargetable binary translators with existing compiler modules.

We deisgn the translation module based on LLVM compiler infrastructure, and use QEMU as our emulation engine.

【2011】Protection against Buffer Overflow Attacks via Dynamic Binary Translation

- 在堆上申请空间,插入动态代码,call 时备份 return address 和 frame pointer,然后 return 时进行 check

This paper proposes to protect a system from buffer overflow attacks with a mechanism based on dynamic binary translation.

Our mechanism is capable of recovering corrupted data structures on the stack at runtime by dynamically inserting codes to guard the return address and stack frame pointer, without modification of the source code.

As a case study, we implemented the proposed protection mechanisms based on Pin [10] and QEMU [1] two popular open-source dynamic binary translation tools.

台湾交通大学 National Chiao Tung University (NCTU)



【2019】Translating AArch64 Floating-Point Instruction Set to the x86-64 Platform

- 在 mc2llvm 上添加了浮点 RM、exception 支持,详细分析了各个细节的实现(基本靠手写)

We extend mc2llvm, which is an LLVM-based retargetable 32-bit binary translator developed in our lab in the past several years, to support 64-bit ARM instruction set

For floating-point instructions, due to the lack of floating-point support in LLVM [13, 14], we add support for the flush-to-zero mode, not-a-number processing, floating-point exceptions, and various rounding modes.

【2017】On Static Binary Translation of ARM/Thumb Mixed ISA Binaries

- 对于混杂的二进制,如 ARM 和 Thumb 在静态翻译中需要区分代码
- 简单直接的方式:两种都翻译,但是 code size 会变大,而且对于 branch 需要区分两种情况
- Code Discovery Analysis:依据入口、跳转等找到 safe area 并只翻译一次,其余 unknown 的翻译两次,但无法反汇编则会被抛弃

Code discovery has been a main challenge for static binary translation, especially when the source instruction set architecture has variable-length instructions, such as the x86 architectures.

Due to embedded data such as PC (program counter)-relative data, jump tables, or paddings in the code section, a binary translator may be misled to translate data as instructions.

Although ARM is considered a reduced instruction set computer architecture, it does allow the mix of 32-bit (ARM) instructions and 16-bit (Thumb) instructions in the same executables

We propose a novel solution to statically translate stripped ARM/Thumb mixed executables.

Our solution is implemented in a static binary translator.

The binary translator further generates multiple versions of translated code for the code regions whose types cannot be determined with our solution.

This section describes how to extend LLBT to translate an ARM/Thumb mixed ISA executable, including both unstripped and stripped executables.

Our translator translates every code region into both an ARM region and a Thumb region.

At runtime, the correct region will be chosen according to the current processor state.

The code discovery analysis has two steps: the safe-region analysis and the unknown region analysis.

The safe-region analysis combines a linear-sweep algorithm and a recursivetraversal algorithm.

多种入口被视为 safe entry

  • Executable Entry Point
  • FunctionEntries
  • Information for Exception Handling
  • Information for Dynamic Linking

All instructions in the safe region have the same ISA type as the safe entry

The unknown-region analysis is speculative in that the bytes are disassembled both as ARM instructions and as Thumb instructions

【2015】Instruction Emulation and OS Supports of a Hybrid Binary Translator for x86 Instruction Set Architecture

- 结合了 Static 和 Dynamic 的二进制翻译器,起名 HBT
- Guest -> LLVM MC IR -> LLVM IR -> Host

In this paper, we present an HBT which supports x86 ISA and emulates the execution behavior of an x86 executable under Linux operation system.

This HBT use LLVM Machine Code (MC) toolkit to disassemble the source ARM executable to get the corresponding LLVM MC intermediate representation (IR) and then translates the MC IR into LLVM IR.

LLVM-MC toolkit is a sub-project of LLVM and is being created to solve the problems under CPU instruction level, such as assembly, disassembly, object file format handling, and so on [17].

For each original x86 instruction, it may be classified into multiple MCInsts according to the size and the types of its operands.

[17] "Intro to the LLVM MC Project," 9 Apr. 2010. [Online]. Available:

【2015】Automatic validation for binary translation

- 将 Guest(用 QEMU 执行) 和其他 DBT 一起执行,动态对比数据,进行验证
- 核心:通过 QEMU 来 fork 出两个线程同时执行,共享地址空间、function wrapper 等,便于对比

In our validation tool, the original binary code and the translated binary code run simultaneously.

Both versions of the binary code continuously send their architecture states and the stored values, which are the values stored into memory cells, to a third process, the validator.

In our validator, we take special care to make memory layouts exactly the same and make the corresponding system calls always return exactly the same values in the original and in the translated binaries.

In our validation model, QEMU will first allocate the emulated ARM stack, and then fork two processes to run QEMU and the translated program, respectively.

Note that both child processes automatically inherit the entire virtual address space from the parent (QEMU) process, which includes the emulated ARM stack.

【2014】A Retargetable Static Binary Translator for the ARM Architecture

- LLBT 的设计与实现:整体框架,寄存器分配、间接跳转、指令翻译、代码发现

In this article, we designed and implemented a new SBT tool, called LLBT, which translates ARM instructions into LLVM IRs and then retargets the LLVM IRs to various ISAs, including ×86, ×86–64, ARM, and MIPS.

LLBT leverages two important functionalities from LLVM: comprehensive optimizations and retargetability.

In LLBT, we allocate architectural states as LLVM local variables and rely on LLVM’s register promotion optimizations to promote local variables to virtual registers and LLVM’s global register allocation to map as many virtual registers to physical target registers as possible.

LLBT declares ARM registers and condition flags as local variables, which are allocated by the LLVM alloca instruction.

The LLVM optimizer will take care of promoting local variables from memory references to register references and then map them to physical registers through the global register allocation phase

it maintains entries for the source instructions that can possibly be destinations of an indirect branch for compiler-generated instead of hand-crafted binaries, which include (1) return addresses, (2) function entry points, and (3) the addresses stored in jump tables.

ARM defines a set of runtime helper functions, which are implemented in a compiler’s runtime library (such as libgcc) for emulating floating-point and integer division operations.

Normally, the ARM toolchain generates some special symbols in ARM binaries that can help identify ARM, Thumb, and data regions in the binaries.

以及各种方式处理 stripped

【2013】Effective code discovery for ARM/Thumb mixed ISA binaries in a static binary translator

We have proposed a novel solution to statically translate the stripped executables for the ARM/Thumb mixed ISA.

Our static binary translator includes a translation pass which guarantees the correctness of the translated executable by generating multiple versions of translated code for runtime selection.

The binary translator also includes a series of optimization analyses which discover and remove most of the code generated in the baseline translation.

【2012】An LLVM-based hybrid binary translation system

- HBT = SBT + DBT,使用 LLVM 处理寄存器分配,此外有典型的跳转处理(查表、间接跳转)

In this paper, we present a hybrid binary translation (HBT) system which combines the merits of both SBT and DBT. It leverages the LLVM infrastructure to translate source binary code, optimize, and generate target binary code.

  1. Hybrid Translation
  2. Indirect Branch Handling: AMT + DBT
  3. Register Mapping: LLVM Global Variable
  4. Finding Indirect Branch Addresses:
  5. Block Chaining

【2012】LLBT: an LLVM-based static binary translator

- LLBT 是一个基于 LLVM 的 Static Binary Translator
- 诸多问题包括:
	- ARM的代码发现(Thumb)
	- 寄存器分配(LLVM)
	- 指令翻译(Condition Code)
	- 间接跳转(Address Mapping Table,只针对可能成为目标的地址,比如函数头、返回地址、函数指针、C++虚函数表)
	- 优化:跳转表恢复(处理编译器特殊行为)
	- 恢复 PC-Related Data(处理编译器特殊行为)
	- 替换 helper 函数:源于编译器针对无浮点等特定的平台,编译出 softfloat 等库函数的调用(替换为本地浮点指令)

In this paper, we designed and implemented a new portable SBT tool, called LLBT, which translates source binary into LLVM IR and then retargets the LLVM IR to various ISAs by using the LLVM compiler infrastructure.

Using the LLVM compiler infrastructure, LLBT successfully leverages two important functionalities from LLVM: the comprehensive optimizations and the retargetability.

LLBT can treat the complete application binary as a single function and uses the global register allocation optimization in LLVM to consistently map guest architecture states in host registers so as to avoid the costly state saving and reloading at trace/block exits.